Monday, April 14, 2014

Do you dare to accept this challenge?

Halo~ I've been doing squats since few days ago. It's an effective way to tone up thigh and butt muscle.
I'm starting with 30 reps on first day, and everyday add up 5 to 10 reps. Today I had done 60 reps, guess I will follow the schedule from the picture, and hope I won't give up half way lah!!

Come do together with me and challenge yourself. =D

Gonna update once I have done 250squats!!Gambare!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Motivational Pic

Just some random motivational pictures to share. You know why, I'm the person who easily give up. So I seriously need to see these motivational quotes to push myself everyday.
 It's so true. Muscles pain is the best pain ever.

 This is the reason why I'm not prefer treadmill? =D

 keep it up!!

 Believe yourself, I can do it!

This is damn true! =( and it's also the problem that I'm facing it. Eat clean is so hard for me. Too hard....
Keep it up!! Never give up!!



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